Investigating The Myths # 1 Combing In Conditioner

  From a young age we are given tips and advice that are mothers swear by, shaving hair makes it grow back thicker or never sleep in make-up because it will ruin your skin, but do they necessarily make a difference? I've decided to investigate and unveil the truth behind some of these fables.

Firstly combing in your conditioner when your hair is wet.

My hair is a mess, there’s no two ways about it am pretty convinced when I go to the hairdressers there’s a black mark against my name and they take turns having to tackle it! Basically it's incredibly thick, curly and easily prone to knotting. From the age of 16 and the best birthday present I ever recieved were my GHD's an absolute godsend and from then on I was a straightening addict. Sadly now am beginning to pay for or it! So in a battle to get my hair back into decent health I am confiscating the straighteners and adding conditioner, masks and being alot more gentle.

I have been combing my conditioner through for around a month now and I can definitely say it works! 
My hair feels softer, stronger and looks in better condition, so I definitely recommend this tip! 

Is there any myths you'd like me to try out? Or are there any you've tried?


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