Nail Rock- Caviar Art Review
Pretty mixed feelings about this product at first I was like Wow looks like sweets! But in terms of application it's like oh what a bloody effort. The instructions are as followed-
First paint nails in provided polish, twice.
Then dip nails into far too small pot and enter extremely tricky, fiddly and impossible process of trying to dab off excess without spilling contents everywhere and making a right mess.
And voila! Well actually voila after 15-20 yes almost 20 minutes of waiting for them to dry and set. Process takes so long am actually writing this post whilst still waiting. Also kinda stings if you get any stuck under your nail!
Overall although they do look pretty cool I'd say they're good as a one off, I can't imagine they'll stay very well put after an average week filled with pretty normal day to day activities also I don't really like the thought of dedicating so much time on such an activity that seems a little futile, still look how pretty!
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