Keep your head up, keep your heart strong.

You've just lost your job, failed an all important exam or been dumped an will never love again. Yes life tends throw up these curve balls just to keep us on our toes and make us feel like the worlds against us and we can't go on.

But after you've gone through that crazy little rampage; drinking anything with some sort of percent alcohol, consuming anything in the house that is remotely sweet and/or fattening and spending that last bit of money on an oh so needed bit of retail therapy it's time for decisive action.
Having gone through a few difficult experiences this month i've found out/ done a few things that kinda seem to help.

Firstly- Write down all your problems that need resolving are there any obvious solutions?

Secondly- Talk to a variety of people; friends, family or a partner am not saying winge on about everything that seems to be bugging you in the slightest way but seek a little advise from a few different people. Even if it seems that what they are saying is completely useless and slightly patronising it may lead you to finding a resolution.

Next get googling chances are your disaster isn't unique and someone out there could give you some advise.

Yet take the appropriate action if your feeling unwell don't google because your computer isn't a licensed medic.

Also always remember not to get bogged down and into a rut. Stick with active lifestyle choices- Gentle exercise 
Get up early and be productive
Eat well; no not attempting a crazed, repressive diet but also don't be only eating crisp and cake.
Talk! Tell people if you feel down and keep in contact with friends even if you can't see them get the geg off them through email or text, they might be having a bit of crap time too.

And I know it sounds pretentious but calm down, you may feel like the worlds against you but remember there are people in a worse predicament than you.

Annnddd Finally Smile! 
Remember all the things that make you happy and stay positive. 

Sorry if you hate this post and think it's utterly crap but I hope it can be of some help to someone. 

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