I was hesitating about purchasing a facial brush for a few months but after reading countless reviews and comparing prices I finally went for it. No 7 reccommend to only use the brush twice a week, which is undersatndable as it can be a little harsh. I haven't been as meticulous as I probably should be but have still noticed and felt the difference. I have black heads on my nose and have noticed they have improved, not gone but better.
I start off by applying No 7 Hot Cloth Cleanser in circular motions upwards from neck to forehead.
I then rest a warm, wet cloth on my face for a few minutes allowing for pores to open.
I then use the facial brush.
Then tone my face an apply moisturiser.
Ultimately, unless you have very sensitive skin I believe one of these gadgets is a must have. I purchased mine from No 7 via boots for 24.95.