Love Is In The Air...

 So it's that time of year again, the day of love and romance but as already stated on a previous post I don't really buy into the whole consumer culture themed holiday, although with regard to the basis of it, it is a lovely idea. However it has got me thinking about the wondrous mystery of  L o v e. 

At my tender age I haven't experienced much but something I think we all have some familiarity with is the tricky area of love. 
When we first embark on the rollercoaster adventure of our fist love we are filled with excitement, fear and wonder. Often we have our first loves at the height of our new hormones emerging and our bodies working for our brains, but love especially the first is over powering at any age. It consumes us, fills us up and sometimes sadly smashes us apart, like life love is unpredictable but it shouldn't completely destroy us. 

Whether single or together its easy to wonder if you're truly happy. It's easy to look at other couples that seem gloriously content and question whether you should be like that too. They appear to never be apart, plaster facebook with pictures of themselves, never argue and send ridiculously soppy messages to each other. But does that mean they have the 'perfect' relationship? 

In the end it’s all relative. I've experienced a varied amount of relationship-related problems, this doesn't give me the qualifications to be an agony aunt expert but at the end of it all am still smiling and now in a wonderful relationship that makes me very happy. So it’s perfectly normal to wonder if we are being fulfilled in any aspect of life; work, social and relationships. However as long as you're not being bullied or abused and that certain some-one offers something that you need in your life, a little piece of happiness and some fulfillment in a world that can often give you very little then you should know if its love. 

Likewise if you're not coupled up on the day that dictates you spend money on daft cards and crap you shouldn't wallow. Really it’s a made-up holiday designed to make the settled feel compelled to buy their partners paraphernalia overloaded with love hearts, and the single feel like there is something wrong with them for not having someone to buy this nonesense for. DON'T SUCCUMB! 
Everyone has something in their lives they love, it may not be a person but you shouldn't dwell on finding that certain someone just enjoy that certain something i.e. movies, sports, shopping etc.
And if all else fails grab a mate, dig out some films, games etc consume way too many calories and drink copious amounts of alcohol and re-tell some of your past encounters with that phenomenal enigma that is  L O V E.

Outfit Post #1

Apologies for the pretty poor quality of this but its my first outfit post!

Dress- Primark
Cardigan- New Look

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