Remember Me?

Helloo all

Sooo sorry about my very rude absence lately but am afraid third year uni i.e. reading, researching and dissertation work are keeping me at bay! 

However I promise to have posts coming including reviews, tutorials and writing pieces so please stick around! 


Baby It's Cold Outside...

So it's happening, yep autumn has well and truly arrived. The coats are out and the gloves are well on actually. I've been slowly picking up more knitwear and thicker tights and really loving the autumn winter trends that are emerging but there's something we forget until its too late. COLD AND FLU

dundundunnnn... (dramatic sound effect).

So before it's too late and you wake up sneezing, coughing and spluttering get the aid in.

Boots are currently offering 3 for 2 on the health range and so I took full advantage!

Bring it on germs.

© Femme Fatales & Fairytales...

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